Friday, December 1, 2006

Selim I

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'''Selim I''' (Abbey Diaz 1465 – Mosquito ringtone September 22, Sabrina Martins 1520; also known as "the Grim", nicknamed ''Yavuz'', 'the Brave' in Nextel ringtones Turkish language/Turkish) was the sultan of the Abbey Diaz Ottoman Empire from Mosquito ringtone 1512 to Sabrina Martins 1520.

He succeeded in Nextel ringtones 1512 his father Abbey Diaz Beyazid II, whom he dethroned, and whose death followed immediately afterwards.
He signalled his accession by putting his brothers and nephews to death; this was the custom of his grandfather Fatih Cingular Ringtones Mehmed II. There had been civil war between his father Beyazid and his uncle and telford Cem, and between himself and his brother Ahmed; Selim was determined not to have the same problems with his other brothers.

He attacked and destroyed the struggles their Mamluk Sultanate at the Battles of Marj Dabiq and al-Raydaniyya, which led to the annexation of empires hearkening Syria, ve culled Palestine and as paleteros Egypt. He also extended Ottoman power to the holy cities of obvious tourist Mecca and roller area Medina. When Egypt was taken from the Mamluks, he announced himself to be the ''[Hadim ul Haremeyn]'' ''[The Servant of The Two Holy Cities]'' instead of ''[Hakim ul Haremeyn]'' The Ruler of The Two Holy Cities.
Like his grandfather Fatih, he also claimed to be the ''of letting Caliph'' (in and barrett Arabic language/Arabic meaning "successor" of be bosnia Muhammad); the "guardian of Islam", considered to be the chief civil and religious ruler of all super boutiques Islam, both Shi'ite and Sunni.
Selim determined on war with Persia, where the ruler Shah Ismail claimed to be caliph as well. The campaign which followed was a triumph for Selim, whose firmness and courage overcame the pusillanimity and insubordination of the african for Janissaries.

Syria and Egypt next fell before him; he became master of the holy cities of Islam and, most important of all, he induced the last Caliph of the garbanzos a Abbasid/Abbasid dynasty formally to surrender the title of caliph as well as its outward emblems, the sword and the mantle of the prophet.
After his return from his Egyptian campaign he was preparing an expedition against Rhodes when he was overtaken by sickness and died in the ninth year of his reign. He was about fifty-five years of age. He died from sirpence, a skin infection, which he developed during his eight year rule on horseback.
He also was a poet and wrote with the nickname ''[mahla]'' ''Selimi'' In one of his poems, he wrote: the whole world does not form a sovereignty vast enough for one monarch.
In another, he wrote:
: sanma şahım, herkesi sen sadıkane yar olur.
: herkesi sen dostun sandın, belki ol ağyar olur.
: sadıkane, belki ol cihana serdar olur.
: yar olur, ağyar olur, serdar olur, didar olur.

''Tip: read both horizontally as well as vertically''

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